Hooks- the short introduction that captures what's interesting and engaging about the material and puts it out front. 
   Ex: stories, analogy, props, media, status, challenge. 
Build the steps
Use two stairways

Summative and Formative
Summative--given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know.  Provide feedback for the student.  Determines if students have reached mastery and what still needs work. things like state assessments, end of unit tests, district benchmarks
Formative--is part of the instructional process.  Ongoing..used to adjust instructional method.  Help to make sure students reach their goals.  Come in a variety of formats.."practice."  Not like a gradebook.  Helps the teacher to determine the next steps as they prepare for summative assessment.  Active in their own learning. 
Formative evaluation is present at every state in the ADDIE process.

5 Features of Highly Effective Rubrics
1)Clearly delineated points- 4 or 5 main points
2)Subcategories that relate to main points
3)100 total points
4)Total points per section with breakdowns in subsections
5) Include room for comments

Excuse me if I miss some key points tonight....I may or may not have flown in from California at 1 AM this morning.  My eyes are barely staying open!! 
This week I am going to start teaching my unit!  Oh Boy! 
Kirpatricks Levels of Evaluation
Level 1: Reaction of the students
    - Takes place immediately upon conclusion of instruction.
    -Create a simple reaction survey for your unit!  (Class discussion-what was easy?  What was hard?  Did they know what they were trying to learn? What did you enjoy the most?)
Level 2: Learning that takes place-Assessments.  Are they tied directly to the objectives?

Teaching Like a Champion
-Implement at least two techniques in lessons for Implementation.  (chances are you already use them)
-Ch. 1  Setting High Academic Expectations-
    -Without Apology--Don't assume something is boring, or it will be.  Don't blame content or curriculum requirements on others or "they."  Don't try to change the content to fit what you think the students want.  You can connect, but don't try to change.  We shouldn't assume that certain content will be uninteresting to students.  We make it engaging by how we teach and what we say.  Don't assume something is too hard or technical.  "Special pleasure in exploding expectations"

Ch. 2  Planning that Ensures Academic Achievement
    - Begin with the End (start with where you want the students to end up)  Look at evaluation and objective.
    - 4 Ms.... Objectives- Manageable, measurable, made first, and most important. 
    - Post It-  Post objective, make students aware of objective
    -Shortest Path- most direct path from point to point.  Rely on proven direct, trustworthy methods.
    -Double Plan-  not only plan your lesson, but what the students should be doing and saying. 
    - Draw the Map- making space planning part of your lesson plan. (desk/table configuration)
Ch. 4 Engaging Students in Your Lessons-
    - Cold Call- No Monkeys!  Involve all students, even when hands aren't raised. 
    - Call and Respond- (choral response)  Give a signal for the students to answer all together.
    - Pepper-- pass around an object to ask each other questions.

Ch 5. Creating A Strong Classroom Culture
    -Entry Routine- Walk into classroom, objectives posted so students know what to do.
    -Do Now-  Self Starters without any verbal cue.  Often a review so they don't need help.
    -Tight Transitions-  Don't waste instructional time.
    -Slant- Sit up, listen, nod head,

Ch. 6   Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations-
    -Strong Voice- use few words, don't over engage or over talk. 
    -No Warnings- Act early.  Don't let it get out of control.  Reliable.  Proportionally to behavior. Calm/Poised.
    -What to Do-  Logically.  Specific, Concrete, Sequential, Observable

Ch. 7  Building Character and Trust
    - Positive Framing- 3 to 1 positive to negative.  Focus on the positive.  Talka bout what should or must happen next.  Don't dwell on the past.
Assume the best. 
    - Precise Praise- praise behavior over the "brightness" or ability.

Development-- all lesson plans should be completed.  All materials needed should be put together. 
Review everything you have developed to make sure it looks accurate and complete. 

Pilot Session/Testing-
Put the course in front of learners and see how they interact with it. 
Refer back to your original objectives to assess whether the pilot is successful
-Does the lesson plan work?
-Are the directions to the educator clear and concise?
- Are the educator's materials appropriate and thorough enough?
- Are the learner's materials appropriate and thorough enogh?
-Are the support materials what you expected?
-Does the timing of segments match your estimates?
Are the technology components appropriate?
-Do the instructional methods work as planned?
- What does not work the way you thought it should?
-What needs to be changed?
Work out the kinks!

Gagne's LEvels of Instruction
Gain Attention
Guided Learning
Explicit Performance

Know your Facilitator....Who is teaching this course?
1-Facilitators must be given the right tools to make your design come to life and successfully implement it.
2- If all the information is not provided, they can't completely and clearly deliver the instruction. 
How It Looks
-Lesson plan needs to be written in a way that makes implementing the lesson simple.
-Consistent Format
-Each of the nine events is covered in a separate section of the plan. 
-Include how long each section will take.
It's ok to eliminate events if needed, but should at least consider them all.

    - Developmental:  shows progress over time.  Work in progress, self showcase, primary purpose is communication.
    -Assessment:  Evaluates learners, usually one area.  Evaluates competancy
    -Showcase:  Created at the end of a project to highlight what was done.  Shows a product. 
HYBRID- This weebly sight combines the different types of portfolios. 
"A portfolio without standards, goals and/or reflection is just a glorified resume."

Development Process--- Collection, Selection, Reflection, Projection, Presentation.
Self Reflection!  Very important.  Can't gain the portfolios full purpose without reflecting on what you've included. 

Design Process
Plan of action!  Notes taken on "Total Recall" IPad App. 
Learning Objectives.  Based off of the needs assessment goals.
Blooms Taxonomy
The format for us as teachers will often be the classroom delivery. 
Mind Map Link!

Learning Objectives
Formal Objectives-- 90%, include audience, behavior, conditions, degree
Informal Objectives-- only about 10%

A-Define Audience  "Kindergarten students will..."
B- Behavior   "will be able to_________"  Verbs should be observable and measureable.
C- Conditions:   context for learning  "how they will do this."
D- Degree of mastery: how will you define mastery?  "get 90% accuracy"
Kindergarten student will be able to use correct spelling of own first and last name with 100% accuracy as they create a name art project

Terminal objective: What must be accomplished to move on to a new idea or lesson.